Today is the day... the day I turn 30... my birthday. And I am kinda happy about it.
The one thing that I always look forward to on my birthday is gifts. I love makeup, clothes, hair stuff, nail polish, and all that girly stuff! But those are all materialistic items... and there are seven things that I absolutely would love to get on my birthday. And bonus- the majority are free!
one | To be happy. Blissfully happy.
The one thing that I always look forward to on my birthday is gifts. I love makeup, clothes, hair stuff, nail polish, and all that girly stuff! But those are all materialistic items... and there are seven things that I absolutely would love to get on my birthday. And bonus- the majority are free!

one | To be happy. Blissfully happy.
No bills, no stress, no being an adult. Just happiness. For 24 hours.
two | To spend uninterrupted time with my family.
No tv, no phones, no outside interference, no distractions. Nothing. Just being with each other.
three | To be able to go to the bathroom alone. All day.
I'm a mom, therefore 85% of the time, I have a tiny shadow following me.
four | To eat whatever I want and not think about the consequences.
Cake for breakfast, why not. Wine before noon, hell yeah.
Cake for breakfast, why not. Wine before noon, hell yeah.
five | An everlasting supply of peonies.
I love the smell, but hate the bugs and the fact that fresh flowers tend to die. So I want an everlasting supply of fresh peonies, in a vase, and changed before they die out.
six | Big, Beautiful Blowouts every day.
I want to wake up to a great blowout. I want my hair to shine and be bouncy. But I don't want to have to do it myself.
seven | For it to be snowing AND warm out.
I want to wake up to a great blowout. I want my hair to shine and be bouncy. But I don't want to have to do it myself.
seven | For it to be snowing AND warm out.
Every year since I was a little girl, I have always asked for snow on my birthday... a few years here and there it actually happend. Living in the Midwest where the weather is a little on the finikie side, it actually happened a few times, but it was always cold... I want to be able to go outside in a sweatshirt and jeans and play in the snow. I want it to be warm out... I want a S'winter like Phineas and Ferb...