five cold weather lippies I swear by

Around late fall, the weather starting getting colder, and my lips apparently did not like it. My lips became really dry, could barely retain any type of moisture, were starting to crack, and hurt. I got to the point that I couldn't take it any more, and realized that nothing in my lippy arsenal worked. Even my beloved EOS. So I set out to spend a bit of money, and find something to help.

1. Carmex
Carmex is made for dry and cracking lips. It also tastes horrible and is very sticky & thick, BUT works when applied at night.

Honestly, I didn't think this was going to work. But I bought it anyways. And it was amazing. I loved that it felt like a minty lip balm (due to the hint of eucalyptus) and it also comes in several different colors. Kind of a way to make yourself feel pretty when your lips feel horrible.

3. Lypsyl Ultra Lip Balm Chamomile & Honey
After trying over five different lip balm products, I now swear by this. It tastes great, and really soothes my lips. Plus it lasts! *bonus: it's not tested on animals.

Don't let the name turn you off, it's a great lip product. It's as thick as the Carmex, but doesn't taste as bad, and works almost immediately. *bonus: it's a multi-purpose product, meaning you can use it on your cuticles, split ends, even diaper rash and so much more.

5. Burt's Bees Vanilla Bean Moisturizing Lip Balm
I love Burt's Bees anytime of the year, but during the cold, it seems as if the beeswax creates a barrier and I am so happy that it does. It tastes good and protects my lips at the same time. 

What cold weather lippies do you swear by in the winter time?
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