Being a mom on a part time salary and a hubby's check that is used primarily to pay the bills with a bit left over, I have to be picky with what I buy- beauty wise. Now that my son is potty trained, my beauty budget has opened up, but I still have my certain splurge vs. save items.
Since I have a vast list of items I use, I am going to separate the items into three categories: overall beauty, makeup, and hair. In this three part series, each week I will talk about one of the categories, and also explain what I personally use.
This week is all about overall beauty: serums, face wash, masks, etc.

I have just recently gotten into serums, and have an ever growing love for them. I have only ever tried high ends ones like Shiseido, from Brichbox, but I love how they make my skin feel.
Nail Polish
My favorites are OPI and Essie, of course. Sure I have some Maybelline, Cover Girl, and Sinful colors, but nothing compares to the longevity and smoothness of OPI and Essie. I currently use Essie's All In One 3-way glaze (a nail strengthener).
Face Masks
I love me a face mask every now and then, but honestly, the most I will ever and have ever paid for a single use was eight bucks. And that was on a Dr. Jart+ hydrogel mask (I would only recommend it after a day at the beach). Other than that, I love the single use masks from Target or Walmart, and of course, the Biore single use one minute charcoal masks.
Face Wash
I have done the whole "pay over ten bucks for a face wash" and I regretted it the week after. I have tried the Benefit and Marcelle face washes, and honestly, the Ponds Luminous Clean and Neutrogena face wash is sooo much better for my sensitive skin. And wallet. Currently I use Biore's Deep Charcoal Cleanser.
I have never been a big fan of high end face moisturizers. Sure, I've tried them, but I really can't see the sense in paying over ten bucks for one. I currently use Clean & Clear Morning Burst Hydrating Gel Moisturizer.
Body Wash
Self explanatory. I use several from Bath and Body works, but a store brand like Dove gets the job done also.
Facial Cleansing wipes
To be honest, sometimes my morning schedule just doesn't leave time for actually washing my face... so I rely on facial cleansing wipes like the ones pictured above from Simple. They get the job done, and also double as makeup remover wipes.
Body Wash
Self explanatory. I use several from Bath and Body works, but a store brand like Dove gets the job done also.
Facial Cleansing wipes
To be honest, sometimes my morning schedule just doesn't leave time for actually washing my face... so I rely on facial cleansing wipes like the ones pictured above from Simple. They get the job done, and also double as makeup remover wipes.
What overall beauty items do you splurge and save on?