new month... new goals

Every month I say that I'm going to change. I say that I am not going to spend money and not buy clothes or beauty products. This month is going to be different. This month I'm going to make some goals and plans, and stick to them. This month I am going to be the responsible adult that I know I can be.

So this month, I am instituting the following goals...

one || September is going to be a no spend month. This is pertaining to clothing, shoes, beauty items, etc. I will still have my Birchbox subscription, and maybe sign up for another Pretty Little Beauty Swap (because the package doesn't have to go out till October), but I will only be spending my money on necessities and Lil Man's birthday of course.

two || Along with September being a no spend month, I will not be participating in any giveaways (except for one that will go live next Monday). Giveaways cost money, on my part, and even though they are amazing for promoting my blog, my advertising for the month is done. Don't get me wrong, I will be doing a giveaway for a beauty bundle (which I have already bought) and maybe for a custom wine glass, but those will be on my own- therefore I am only having to pay for shipping.

three || This month, I am going to carry on with my Wednesday Wishes, and continue to schedule out my posts and whatnot. I have found that scheduling out my posts seems to be extremely beneficial for my family and I, because blog time is not taking up family time.

four || Another goal for September, is to have Lil Man completely potty trained. He will be four at the end of the month, and is currently doing amazing, so I would like to see him in big boy underwares very soon.

five || This month is going to be a rather busy month, because my fifth and final goal is to purge my house. I tend to be a packrat sometimes, and well, I really need to clean my closets, weed out my clothes, and go through boxes. 

Did you make any goals for the month of September?

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