I. am. addicted...

Happy day after hump-day and the day that's not yet Friday.... THURSDAY!

So, I was reading Tay's and Erin's combined blog post yesterday, and had an epiphany... I realized that I may be am addicted to blogging. And the funny thing? Each and every blogger can identify with that post, and me. Hopefully... or I'm just talking out of my ass.
My symptoms...
#1- I have been buying the crap out of what fellow bloggers are advertising. No, this isn't a bad thing, because apparently all bloggers have great style and should be idolized, but when my hubby opens the credit card/PayPal statement, it's not going to be pretty. Yes, I am only kidding (I take care of the finances), but you get the picture.

Can be found on my Pinterest
If not, here are some examples that explain this symptom:
one/two... Lauren featured a necklace from Caroline G, and I bought it... and three more...  (if you look closely Lauren is the model, so there is no reason to link the post) And then the woman featured a cute little giraffe ornament made of polymer clay in this post. Welp, I messaged Samantha over at Emariecreations, and asked her if she could do a moose. Long story short, she could, I ordered it, and it will be featured in an upcoming post.
three/four... Erin featured an amazing leopard print scarf in this post from this cute little boutique called Oakleigh Rose. When I saw it, I knew I had to have it.  AND then Niki featured a tunic and scarf from them also in this post... Needless to say I have fallen in love with Oakleigh Rose, and I am waiting on my third package as we speak :)  You can see what I have already bought here.
five... Each month Whitney features a IWYP by Whitney shirt, and December's shirt was in this post. Yep, I bought it. Weird, considering that I would have never worn anything hashtag six months ago...
six... Kate said that she loved Redken products, and  I now only use Redken (shampoo and conditioner)... Yeah... no words.
Those are the main ones that I can remember. I have yet to sign up for Birchbox, Beauty Box 5, or Julep, even thought they have been featured by my favorite bloggers. Maybe because they aren't a one time purchase, and will keep coming back every month to remind me that I am a blogging-shopaholic?
#2- I know fellow bloggers, who I have never met, better than the ones that I talk to IRL (in real life). AND I usually talk to those fellow bloggers on a daily basis. Crazy, huh? I blame blogging, and the fact that we put ourselves out there. AND considering that I have done a couple of swap boxes, they even have my address. Eep... Please don't stalk me :) Just kidding, I welcome all stalkers bearing gifts.
You can not resist the smile... bring me your gifts!!! :)
#3- I would rather write up a blog post, instead of doing my grad school homework (not a good thing) or cleaning my house. Good thing I have a kid and responsibilities, or I would just sit on the computer all day, while the filth builds around me, and then freak out when my battery dies, and I can't find the outlet underneath the chaos. #firstworldproblems
#4- I check my bloggy stats more than once a day. And I actually pay money to be a pretty sidebar ornament, so I can see those stats jump every day. What can I say, it gives me a rush :)
#5- I draw post ideas from everywhere. Yes, I plan my posts around my Instagram pictures and whatever I am doing, I usually make sure that I have a camera so I can photograph it. Yes, I am talking about bathroom mirror selfies at home and Target...

Yes, that is a #selfie picture of my boobs... new low?
#6- I have multiple drafts in my posts box that are unfinished. New ideas are coming to me like every five minutes. I swear, having a blog is like having ADD. I mean, it's like I'm hemorrhaging blog post ideas all over my house, and it's only a matter of time until I start carrying a post it note pad and pen with me 24/7. Or maybe this...
{you can buy it here}
So, after reading the last six symptoms, do you think that I am addicted to blogging? Personally, I think I am....
Oh, have you ever met Brianna over at Endlessly Beloved? You should go check out her blog TODAY, because yours truly is being featured! SCORE!
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